13 September 2006

Classes and a clean slate?

Classes have started up again and that means that Maverick has gone from spending 70% of his time working to spending 50% of his time in class and 20% of his time working. Basically, the same amount of free time--considerably less money in my pocket. So on the lack of money note, I'm going to try and find a bartending job starting next week. The hours should fit my schedule just fine, and the extra income should be most awesome.

I've gotten a tattoo since my last post. I promise I'll get a picture up on here as soon as I get new batteries for my digital camera and take a picture.

It's also kind of weird. 'Cause whenever class start up again, you get that feeling like you're starting fresh. Maybe it's just something in the subconscious hoping that people will have forgotten (and/or forgiven) all the stupid shit you did the year before. Unfortunately the reality is that the people that you really wish would forget haven't forgotten. The reality is that if you did something major league stupid (like I did last year) that you really need to find some way to make it up to those people, or they'll always hold it against you. And even that is based on the optimistic assumption that you can do something to make it up to them. So I guess all you can really do is try to make it up to people when you fuck up, but realize that maybe you simply can't and that you need to go on with your life, being the best person you can.

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