31 October 2005

This might turn into a rant, so bear with me if it does. In ages past, giving a person your word was like an iron-clad contract. You did not go back on your word or do other than what you say you would, lest your honour, your name, and your trustworthiness be tainted. I think many people in the 21st Century have lost that. I am not one of those people. My word is my bond. I have no great possessions with which to demonstrate the measure of my character, nor do I have great power to influence the way people think about me. All I have is my words and my actions. If I say something in all seriousness, I mean it. If I make plans, I intend to keep them. The only exceptions are extreme, and even at those times I am hesitant to go back on my word. I consider myself a very responsible and trustworthy person because when I make plans, I keep them; when I say I will do something, I do it. Knowing this, how do you think I feel when somebody goes back on their word, that they personally gave me? Or when I have made plans with some one, and they back out at the last minute?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
