23 April 2005

Myself - praised and chided

*Hums the Hymn of the Fayth* Some people praise me for being very cool-headed, patient, and relaxed about so much in life. I must be honest in that I have not always been this way, that my experiences and my pursuit of an ideal has helped me to forge and temper myself into the individual that you see before you. I am cool-headed because I have learned that it is much harder to think rationally when you are lost in the moment, and then you can do things that you will regret later. I am patient because I have learned that sometimes all you have to do to solve a problem is give it time. I am relaxed because I have come to understand that very few things in life are worth getting worked up over. In contrast I have had some people see me as a person without passions, that nothing gets my spark going, that to make me act on impulse requires too much work. For these people I feel pity. My passions are very strong, and my true friends know this without a doubt. They also know that I can become enraged, and for the sake of us all it is not something that happens often. And while people may not think that I act on impulse, I can assure you that I do, and that I do so as often as I think things through. Your "gut feeling", your instincts... this is the voice of your soul talking to you, and when your soul has lived as mine has, you know that your soul will not lead you astray.

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