26 November 2008


So I suppose I should probably update this here and keep people up to date on the goings on of the last few weeks. In order of occurance...

  • I got Lasik eye surgery on 31 October. My eyes are pretty much fully recovered now, aside from the occassional dryness--which is normal. I've still got artificial tear eye drops that I can take as needed. The price of the surgery was $1200 per eye, which is apparently a significant drop from what it once was. It was a very unique experience. The surgery itself only takes 10-15 minutes, and by the time you wake up the next morning you are pretty much at 20/20 vision. Awesome.
  • I've been dealing with an inordinate amount of stress at home because my cat isn't adjusting well to the apartment. She's scared of Poofy, who also happens to be scared (but still curious) of her. Stupid cats. Long rant short, my cat has been relegated to living in the bathroom for the last week and went to the vet today. It sounds like Chase and I are doing all we should be doing right now; it's just a matter of time and changing the diet of all our cats.
  • Chase and I are now officially dating again. After I had made a suggestion, she thought it over and agreed to give it a shot. We've been dating for roughly a fortnight. The best way to describe the situation is as a contractual dating period. We'll date for two months, and at the end of that time period we'll see how we're both feeling about the relationship. If either one feels it just isn't working out, we stop dating and remain friends. It sounds great on paper, so we'll see how it turns out in reality.
  • That's pretty much it for the big things going on. Aside from that I'm still financially strapped and relying on my parents to help make ends meet. ...With my student loan payments starting in December. *sigh* On a more positive note, kurtin, Noel, and I have been doing brainstorming and drafting for the movie review website. A name is still up in the air, so all suggestions are welcome. Sometime in December I hope to meet up with kurtin in person and we'll go over graphics, images, and all that pretty stuff; hopefully I will be able to begin coding before the end of January.