20 October 2008

We Have the Green Light

I spoke to Noel last night and he is 100% behind the movie review website and wants to be a part of it. That's all I needed to hear. Now I'm really hitting the design sketches in my free time (starting tomorrow, since I did cleaning today). I'll work with kurtin on the details for the website. Will probably call him later this week so we can set a tentative deadline for an alpha version of the site to be finished. Now back to cleaning!

17 October 2008

Oh Money, How I Miss You

Yay job hunting! Everybody's favorite activity, especially during an economic crisis! I've got about a half dozen applications out right now... I've heard back on one, but I won't be able to begin the training classes until November due to my eye surgery (and thus the ability to drive to said classes). The job in particular would pay well, but would also suck big time. So I'm hoping I'll hear back from one of the other places I've applied at.

I've also decided I'm going to try to start donating plasma regularly. I could really use the extra cash every week, and it gives me an excuse to start eating better. While we're on the topic of my health, I'm going to try to set-up a regular schedule every week for me to go to the gym and actually, you know, USE the facilities that I'm paying for each month. I'm leaning towards a Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday schedule right now, but we'll see how that works out.

The movie review website might turn into an actual something. I talked with my friend kurtin and he sounds like he's on board for the kind of thing I've got in mind. I have a couple rough preliminary sketches of general layouts for the site so far--I'll get them scanned and emailed to ya buddy! If any of my readers out there have input on what they would like to see in a movie review web site, please let me know in comments. As I get closer to an alpha version of the web site, I will probably contact Hank Green (of the Vlog Brothers) and ask what he recommends for web site hosting (and trustworthy internet advertising) since he also runs EcoGeek.org.

As a small aside, I'm also debating picking up writing again. Specifically, working on my novel. I only ever wrote two chapters, and the few people I let read it wanted more. So maybe I'll spend some time in front of my computer working on that. Maybe.

11 October 2008

The Longest Week

Wow, what a week... I've felt a day off all week long. Monday felt like Tuesday, Friday felt like Saturday... mentally I feel like Samhain (or Halloween for you strange folk :P ) should be next week already.

So I suppose a quick update is in order. I didn't get the full-time position at the radio station. In fact, nobody got it. My boss got a call from corporate (in Conneticut) that they were cancelling the full-time opening in light of the economic crisis. But the hours still need to get filled; but you can't work any of your part-time employees more than 30 hours a week. Yep, it's a corporate clusterf*%#. The only good news was that I was able to get a small raise out of it. I'm now up to $7.00/hour, which is roughly a 7% pay increase. Not bad, but realistically not much since the state minimum wage will increase to $7.25 or $7.50 in the summer of 2009. But that's a future worry and now a present concern.

As a direct result of not getting the full-time position at the station, I am once again looking for a second job. In a city that strangely enough is unusually difficult to find a job considering its size. Best of luck to me, I suppose. At least on the plus side I won't be working two jobs and dealing with classes at the same time.

My relationship status remains in the weird state of limbo that it's been in all summer. Hopefully that will change sometime in the near future.

The apartment is more or less all settled in, aside from a few odds and ends that will get taken to storage sometime before the real cold weather hits. This also means that I'm always looking for things to do in my free time. I'm hoping for D&D 1-2 times a week because that's a great release for me. One other thing I'm considering is starting up a more official movie review website. I'm still working out design details in my head. Realistically, this is a project I'd like to sit down and go over with two of my friends who are also keen on films. Once I get a better idea for how this will get set up I'll post more about it here.