Ah, happy days again. No class. No homework. No asshole professors. Just gorgeous days, and the opportunity to spend time with my wonderful girlfriend. We got a queen-size mattress earlier this week, and I absolutely love it! It is so comfortable you should be jealous. It's just fabulous. It'll be not-so-fabulous to move to the new apartment in a couple weeks, but that'll only be a couple hours of non-fabulous-ness.
Boy has this last week been busy too. I lucked out in that I only had to worry about two finals--unfortunately they were the two finals that mean to the most to my college career. I'll find out next week how well I did... Still busy though. Even with only the two finals, I was still working at either Wilson's Leather or Maverick Media--or both--just about every day this week. The only day I wasn't working was Wednesday, and that day was spent working on one of my finals and the budget for WSRI. Today was equally crazy. I had to work 1200-1630 over at Wilson's, and then
I thought I had to be at MM before 1700. But I actually didn't need to be here (I'm typing this while I'm at work) until 1730. So I was a whole half-hour early. *Shrugs* Oh well, it gave me time to eat the McDonalds I grabbed on my way here.
I'm thinking I should start seriously looking for a job to replace Wilson's Leather as well. It just occured to me that I'm making $6.76 at WL (after a year and a half) and $6.50 at MM... and my girlfriend is making like $12 at her job. I suppose part of it is just that I'm tired of working for minimum wage and struggling to pay bills and everything--but regardless I'm going to talk to some people and see what I can find. Hopefully something in the range of $8-$9 but I'd be happy with anything above $7.