25 March 2006

Break or Boredom?

So I think this could have possibly been the shittiest spring break I've ever had. No kidding. I mean, it started alright--spending time with my Dad & the rest of the family for the last few days before he flew back to Iraq to finish his tour. ...But that's really about it for good news this week.

I worked a grand total of about 7 hours this week. I was only scheduled for 5 hours, but I came in today since one of the managers really wasn't feeling well (and 'cause I'm a great guy like that). So not much in terms of money making this week.

I [attempted] hosted a BBQ on Tuesday. Had it planned like a month in advance, sent out invites... I was even providing all the food myself. Not a soul showed up. I swear that this happens every time I plan a party. Is it me?

So basically, the long and short of spring break is that I have the whole week to do whatever. Main problem is that all of my friends are out of down, which pretty much leaves me with nothing to do. Which means that I've been bored out of my mind... and also means that I've been thinking about Tina so much I might be clinically insane by Monday. Not gonna lie, the main reason I'm posting right now is because I'm bored. And now I'm going to go to sleep at 0020 because I'm bored.

15 March 2006


So I know it's been about a week since my last post. Sue me, I've been busy. Spent this last weekend in Minneapolis with the family since Dad is on his R&R from his Iraq tour. We stayed at a Hilton hotel--holy shit nice, but the bed sucks--and partook in the Mall of America =D Basically just hung out as a family to enjoy time together.
Monday I got to drive, well attempt to drive through a monster of a blizzard. For those of you not in the area, we got about 18 inches of snow in 8-9 hours. With high winds. So if you need me to translate this for you, I was driving about 15 mph--on the Interstate. Yeah, it was so bad that eventually there was just ZERO visibility and I pulled into a quick trip where I sat for about 6-7 hours while the worst of it blew over and the state could get the roads cleared.
Anyways, the real, honest reason I'm posting right now is because I don't want to work on this 4-6 page paper that I haven't even started yet. Partly because I don't have a clear picture of how I'm going to bullshit it... I'm sorry, I meant how I will formulate my educated interpretation of a topic that I chose to write on. I think the other part is just that I think I work better under pressure. I can just focus better on the objective of getting it done (ex: if I only have X hours to get it turned in). So even though I had initially planned on working on it tonight, I think I'll be a good procrastinator and put it off until tomorrow--because I'm a college student and that's what we do.
And a random quote for the day! This one comes from comedian Jim Gaffigan:
"Ever notice that whenever you're single, all you see are couples? And then when you're part of a couple, all you see are hookers?"

05 March 2006

Hairy Thoughts

Even when I try to keep myself busy, I can't help but think about Tina. Even when I go to visit people out of town and drink, I can't stop thinking about Tina. I think this alone is testament to how much I cannot wait to see her again. Anyways, true to my word, I have not shaven since I last saw Tina on 21 January. So it's been over a month since my face saw a razor. Here you go Tina, a little piece of the guy who's waiting for you:

01 March 2006

Did I Miss The Boat???

Okay, so have I missed something here? For whatever reason, more and more females seem to be finding me attractive within the last year or two. What in the Nine Hells happened?? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I think I look like the scum of the earth. But when I'm talking to girls for the first time and they are honestly calling me handsome, my eyebrow goes up. So is there something that I'm not seeing? Any and all females reading this, you are sincerely asked to comment with answers to this quandry.