I HATE STUPID PEOPLE! ...Yeah. Sorry, it's just been one of those days when you're amazed of the number of people that [in theory] are licensed to drive. Ever have those days? Don't you just wish you had guns on the front of your car so you could eliminate these people from the roads and/or the gene pool? That's the kind of day it's been for me... at least in terms of driving.
In other news, I always get people asking me to tell them about Bushido--especially when they ask what kind of tatoo I'm getting. I've posted it in other blogs before, but (as usual) I found a great source of [believe it or not] amazingly accurate information that is written simple enough for the common man to read. The source? Dungeons & Dragons. As such, here is the D&D description of Bushido:
Bushido is the code of the samurai from ancient Japan. Many books have been written about how a samurai should live, including the
Go Rin No Sho (Book of Five Rings) and the
Hagakure. According to one version of the code, a samurai must possess the following seven virtues.
Gi (honesty and justice): A samurai deals openly and honestly with others and cleaves to the ideal of justice. Moral decisions do not come in shades of grey, only right and wrong.
Yu (heroic courage): A samurai never fears to act, but lives life fully and wonderfully. Respect and caution replace fear.
Jin (compassion): A samurai takes every opportunity to aid others, and creates opportunities when they do not arise. As a powerful individual, a samurai has a responsibility to use that power to help others.
Rei (polite courtesy): A samurai has no reason to be cruel, and no need to prove his strength. Courtesy distinguishes a samurai from an animal, and reveals one's true strength.
Meyo (honor): A samurai's conscience is the judge of his honor. The decisions he makes and how he carries them out are a reflection of his true nature.
Makoto (complete sincerety): When a samurai says that he will perform an action, it is as good as done. He need not make promises; speaking and doing are as if the same.
Chugo (duty and loyalty): A samurai feels responsible for his actions and their consequences, and loyal to the people in his care. A samurai's loyalty to his lord is unquestionable and unquestioning.
Hopefully this clarifies any questions those of you reading this blog may still have about Bushido. This is an accurate version of the code; this is the code I strive to follow every day.